First Australian diplomatic mission opened in Ukraine

In March 2015 the first Australian diplomatic mission opened in Ukraine, headed by Douglas Trappett, Australian Ambassador to Ukraine. It is a really great news for all the Australian couples who choose Ukraine as their surrogacy destination. Previously all citizenship by descent / permanent visa applications for children born through surrogacy in Ukraine to Australian parents had to be processed through the Australian embassy in Russia, which was not convenient and took a lot of efforts.
The Australian embassy website gives clear and very detailed explanations as for the requirements presented by the Australian law to couples seeking surrogacy overseas.
In particular, intended parents need to know that in international surrogacy cases where the intended parent is a biological parent, and is also an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, a Child (subclass 101) visa is the relevant visa for the child. Eligibility requirements for this visa are available on the Department's website. In most cases a DNA test will be requested as evidence of a biological link between the child and the sponsoring parent (usually father-baby biological link is required as evidence).
More information on the embassy website, section dedicated to the international surrogacy arrangements:
As the Agency operating in sphere of surrogacy for more than ten years, we are happy that many Australian couples who we now work with, will have smoother path to take their babies home.
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